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Oregon School Psychologists Association

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Donate to OSPA


Pay for distribution of research/survey

Some people care deeply about OSPA’s goals, but have limited time to volunteer. They may prefer to show their support by donating funds. This page provides an easy way to donate.

If you wish to specify a use for your donation, please describe your wishes in the “Comment” field. If you do not provide guidance in this way, the donation will be placed into the General Fund. Here are some specific donations that people have made in the past:

  • Donation “in memory of” a departed friend or family member
  • Liz Gullion Scholarship (to help students attend state and national training conferences in School Psychology)
  • NASP Children’s Fund
  • NASP Minority Scholarship fund

Interested in sponsoring the OSPA Fall Conference, the OSPA Spring Development, or purchasing advertisement space on the website or in the Bulletin?

The Fall Conference takes place in October in different locations around Oregon and there are multiple levels for sponsorship.

The OSPA Spring Development workshop is offered in the spring, usually March or April. This is an online workshop. Sponsor would not happen during the workshop but be part of the advertisements for the workshop and other opportunities. 

Advertising on the webpage is a new opportunity for OSPA. 

The OSPA Bulletin is published three times a year, fall, winter, and spring/summer. It's a virtual newsletter  for members only. 

Sponsor fee page 

Are you interested in disseminating research or a survey to the OSPA members. The Board policy allows members to request dissemination of research for free but non-members must pay a nominal fee for distribution. Fee will be waived if researcher agrees to share research results with OSPA for posting on our website. Research/Survey distribution will occur monthly in a listserv email and be posted on the website as soon as it's approved by the committee. Research link to remain on website until the close of data collection or 6 months, whichever is shorter. 

When paying fee, please put in the comments the name of the researcher(s).

Fee Payment

OSPA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, so your donations are probably not tax deductible. Check with your tax adviser.

The Oregon School Psychologists Association (OSPA) is a nonprofit professional association representing school psychologists in the state of Oregon.

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