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Oregon School Psychologists Association


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Advocate for Students
Focus Groups

Invitation for Oregon Professionals & Providers to Share Feedback on Cultural and Diversity Considerations in Youth Suicide Prevention

We need your input!

Give input to shape cultural considerations within future Oregon Health Association (OHA) suicide prevention efforts.

  • Focus group will be facilitated by external consultant & psychologist Dr. Brandon Hoeflein.
  • To access language translation or other accessibility needs, please contact Jill Baker (
  • Para acceder a la traducción de idiomas o otras necesidades de accesibilidad, comuníquese con Jill Baker (

Please register below (space is limited)

Professionals & Providers Focus Group Option 1: Wed Feb 12, 2025, 10-11:30am


Professionals & Providers Focus Group Option 2: Wed Feb 12, 2025, 3-4:30pm


We need your input on a survey! (Feb 14 deadline)

¡Necesitamos tu opinión! 

OHA’s youth suicide prevention team is inviting you to share your input specifically about cultural considerations as we develop the statewide priorities for Youth Suicide Prevention for 2026-2030.

El equipo de OHA de prevención del suicidio en los jóvenes está desarrollando las prioridades estatales del 2026-2030 para la prevención del suicidio en los jóvenes.  Les invitamos a compartir sus comentarios, específicamente sobre consideraciones culturales.

Take the survey:

To access language translation or other accessibility needs, please contact Jill Baker(

Para acceder a la traducciónde idiomas o otras necesidades de accesibilidad, comuníquese con Jill Baker(

Jill Baker, LSC

YSIPP Manager

she/her/hers (Why Pronouns Matter)

Youth Suicide Prevention – Click here for programming

Oregon Health Authority


The Oregon School Psychologists Association (OSPA) is a nonprofit professional association representing school psychologists in the state of Oregon.

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